The Science Behind FlareX

Why Fists are the Way Forward?

Vaccines for all are many months away! Screen,Scan,Sanitise to be safe .In these pandemic times, forehead thermometers are very widely used to screen people for temperature anomalies. Such an approach is not only requires large manual force but also increases the risk of transmission while screening and are less accurate too since they are influenced by a wide range of variables including:

Rather than screening the forehead area for temperature, FlareX estimates the Mean Body Temperature(MBT) from the skin temperature of your fist. This method is backed up by multiple claims citing the wrist area to be much more accurate in reflecting the core body temperature compared to the forehead area. Making this big idea automatic increases the reliability and reduces the risk in transmission of pathogens while screening.

The conventional usage of pyrometers is directed towards scanning the forehead area to detect overall body temperature. Such an approach is not only less accurate when compared with other methods employing instruments such as thermometers, but they are also influenced by a wide range of variables including: The angle of screening, External factors such as atmospheric and ambient temperature around us, Sweat and other bodily moistures, Exposure to sunlight, Object distance from the sensor. Thus, the problems that beset this method is not of the pyrometer itself but their usage practices.

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